Abortion worker caught on video: if baby is born alive 'they do not resuscitate'

The pro-life organization Live Action today(Thursday)  released a third undercover video in which employees at a late-term abortion facility in Phoenix, Arizona, admit that they would leave a newborn, struggling for life after a failed abortion, to die, and describe in graphic detail the process of performing a late-term abortion.

The undercover video also shows an ultrasound technician at the clinic taking multiple measurements of the pro-life investigator's unborn baby after the first measurement shows that the baby is 24 weeks gestation, past the legal limit for abortion in Arizona.

This is the third in a series of undercover videos exposing what Live Action says is the “illegal and inhuman” practices of late-term abortion centers.


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Abortion worker caught on video: if baby is born alive 'they do not resuscitate'

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